
  • 性别 保密
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  • 等级 前台管理员
  • 发表主题 1878
  • 发表评论 138
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Employee Relations Manager-15-20K

2011-05-10 14:57

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 北京HR职位

Job Title

 Employee Relations Manager?o7P$I=& 
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Aims of the Position

 In charge of all areas of Employee Relations including engagement, culture building, people developement and ER issues

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Reports To

 Organization & Staffing Senior Managerr$5T=-K 

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Main Tasks

 · Identify, design and develop programs to support employee engagement and culture building. Facilitate effective two way communication as well as Employee Survey and action plan to support employee connection, collaboration and engagement in Yanjun.

· Help and coach line manager on people management and leadership skills, create collaborative environment and team spirit within the organization.

· Guidance on employee retention and consultation on employee career development.

· Ensure employee exit process implementation smoothly, conduct exit interview for resigned employee, and provide employee morale / feedback to line managers.

· Ensures the employment conditions and activities are in line with the China Labor Law, Labor Contract Law and related employment regulations to avoid legal disclosure

· Handle employee relations issues at all levels by counseling labor counsel, line managers,, mediating and resolving disputes, coordinating investigations of complaints; Manage labor dispute / arbitration and potential ER cases.ty;yYeSY~ 

Profile of Requirements / Personality Requirements

Social Skills / Personal Characteristics

 · Bachelor degree with major in Human Resources, Finance or related fields

· Excellent counselling, negotiation, interpersonal, and communication skills required.

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Training / Work Experience / Practical Experience

 · 8+ years in various HR functions in MNC with solid HR ER work experience in designing, developing and implementing ER strategies, policies, practices, systems and tools :rIRlp= 
A working understanding of the following HR areas is required: Rewards & recognition, Benefits, Compensation and Performance Management.

· Fluency in Mandarin and English






