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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

[外包]IT Support Technician-美资医疗机械公司-浦东世纪大道国金大厦-5000~5500 gross

2013-08-16 14:40

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:IT Support network helpdesk 其他

岗位:IT Support Technician
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The support technician is responsible for the network infrastructure, desktop environment and standard office applications. Respond to day-to-day IT issues, trouble shoot and resolves IT issues. Work with resources outside of AV China to coordinate implementation of infrastructure projects, Desktop projects and problem resolution. Expect to develop, implement and provide for the maintenance of these systems and processes in a way consistent with Abbott policies and procedures.
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Essential Position Duties and Responsibilities
Provide helpdesk support to internal users on a broad range of systems / platforms including MS Office, Windows XP/7, Outlook, AVPN, Blackberry, Audio and Visual system and iPads.
Help to specify, plan and procure necessary IT hardware and software.
Ensure all relevant Policies and Procedures are fully implemented and operational for IT systems. 
Communicate with project teams for regular updates, reports, and project evaluations
Conduct technical training sessions for internal and external customers
Integration of hardware, software, communication protocols and interfaces to the users
Ensure system use, and changes to systems meet policy requirements.
Coordinate with divisional and corporate infrastructure staff.
Ensure that proper service delivery to users’ request and incident reporting especially on status tracking and updates on helpdesk tickets and requests.
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 要求:男生,英文良好,IT相关专业,有IT support经验
中英文简历发送至:jobsw@ciicsh.net (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)




