
  • 性别 保密
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  • 生日 0000-00-00
  • 等级 普通会员
  • 发表主题 3
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  • 圈内币 6 点
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PCCW - Business Associate 业务拓展

2013-08-20 17:43

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 销售/市场

Base City : BJ 1 / SH 1
Successful candidates will be responsible for conducting research on the IT industry in terms of market trends, business opportunities and competitive analysis to support development of the Company’s business strategies.  The candidates will also be required to interact with the managers of various lines of business to understand their business dynamics, and to conduct relevant analysis and implement marketing activities to support their business initiatives. 
- Degree holder majoring in Business/ Finance/ Economics/ Marketing
- Excellent writing skills and analytical ability
- Solid accounting knowledge is an advantage. 
- Excellent communication and coordination skills are essential 
-  Good business sense
-  Good interpersonal skills
-  Aggressive 
-  Self motivated
-  Be able to work independently and under pressure
-  Fresh Graduates will also be considered
, V?+n(f 
Any qualified candidates free to send your resume 
to: irene.lj.zhang@pccw.com (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)



