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NGO Nuclear Sales/Commercial Engineer+某西班牙核能非盈利组织+北京三里屯

2014-01-15 14:12

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 销售/市场

Main activities:
-          Continuous contacts with potential clients
-          Search and prepare detailed market information (opportunities, etc.). In periodical report format, based on field research and Internet. (the latter mainly in Chinese).
-          Commercial coordination between the 4 member companies of the consortium and the management of the Consortium at the HQ in Madrid.
-          Distribution in the Chinese nuclear market of commercial material of the member companies or the group (Newsletter)
-          Development of new clients.
-          Organization/ attendance of the direct and reverse commercial missions,etc.
-          Organization/attendance of the direct and reverse commercial missions
-          Follow up and support to member companies‘ request during the negotiation and contract execution
-          The recruited candidate will work in close contact with the commercial responsible of each of the four companies.
-          General Manager who will give guidance and support to him on daily basis
1.         1 or 3 years’ experience or fresh graduates.
2.         "Global mind" and independent worker.
3.         Available to travel.
4.         Good knowledge of PC. Word, PowerPoint and Internet
5.         Excellent English skill in both spoken and written, should be able to write reports in English without any difficulties.
6.         A person that is willing and has the right abilities to perform commercial activities.
7.         Spanish language and energy engineer background will be a plus
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