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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2014-02-26 15:41

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:招聘专员 北京HR职位

Recruiting Specialist I[cY$P~~y 
Responsibilities  8?-:3{Xt l 
Communicate with Line Manager to identify Recruiting Needs.  A~KWZQW 
Support different AM with Recruiting resource and planning for the whole recruiting process.  R }0M_H.  
Develop Recruiting channels for different functional position.  8p^vvK 
Keep a good relationship with High school, government and Vendors. Evaluate Vendor efficiency timely to review vendor contract.  [I,b@Mq={ 
Lead recruiting project.  G]K0p.<L\ 
Recruiting execution and recruiting process control  yI@f^I 
Requirements 33M)ki!d 
Bachelors' degree, with Information related specialty.  h;-K`vkS 
Working experience in HR function, recruiting or hunter experience (Telecom background) is preferred.  tq:~C^f8 
Result driven, open mind. Familiar with Talent Qualification Evaluation, psychology and Business sense.  ,8GFtP;%d 
Excellent communication, coordination skills and information analysis skills.  b={nGw %7 
Have good written and spoken English skills.  a\'J6xV# 
Could work effectively under pressure and have team work spirit.

简历投至:liwei@cienet.com.cn (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)k;j70Y 



