
  • 性别 保密
  • 来自
  • 生日 0000-00-00
  • 等级 普通会员
  • 发表主题 4
  • 发表评论 0
  • 顶过主题 0
  • 踩过主题 0
  • 圈内币 9 点
  • 上传附件 0 个
HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

Reception 行政前台

2014-05-29 11:26

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 其他

Job Description:
1、The front desk telephone switchboard, fax and E-mail, express delivery; Update company address book timely;
2、Complete the company turns over the handling work file to print, copy, and scan;Polite reception of relevant personnel, responsible for the lead in place and serve tea, and notify the person being interviewed; 
3、To provide and consultant for visitor of company unclassified information;Office stationery out of storage and warehousing, office supplies recipients registration;
4、To submit property management fee, electricity, drinking water, courier fee, telephone review of company, and classification and submit an expense account;
5、Responsible for company staff and clients travel booking air tickets, train tickets, hotel, etc.;
6、TSC domestic member business visa application work and TSC oversea member government invitation application;
7、Other admin supporting (Conference event, Register repair service,  Arrange cleaning and master status of conference room,  Annual inspection assistance for Company business license, Organization Code Certificate etc.  )
&S {^`n_ 
Skills & Abilities:
1、College degree at least, English major preferential;
2、Good English and Chinese communication both in writing and speaking ;
3、1 – 2 years related working experience will be good;
4、could bear the high pressure work.
Email :recruiting@t-s-c.com (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)



