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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

HR&Admin Manager-798附近-12k

2014-06-12 11:13

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 HRM级

Position Profile:
1、Provide effective HR support to local business managers to ensure business needs are met in line with Company HRpolicies and processes;
2、Collect hiring requests from functional managers, and provide advice to functional managers;
3、Ordinate the whole recruitment process, including initial CV screening, interviewing, making candidate assessment reports,reference checking, candidate offer management, etc;
4、Implement C&B policy, respond to benefit inquires regarding policy and procedures;
5、Closely work with management team to deliver annual and regular training plan based on long term plan, organize andexecute high quality nutrition knowledge training course;
6、Liaise with local authorities regarding administrative & HR matters;
7、Handle immigration related issues, including work/residence permit application;
8、Execute and inspect the daily administrative operation of the company;
9、Organize Annual events and activities,undertake other administrative tasks as assigned;
Candidate Profile:
1、Minimum a Bachelor's degree or equivalent, preferable with HR major;
2、Minimum Five years’ experience in Human Resources positions, three years of leadership, with multinational company'sexperience preferred;
3、Excellent computer skills in MS Office in Microsoft Windows environment;
4、Native Mandarin; fluent communication in both oral and written English;
5、Excellent interpersonal and communication skills;
email address:emma.xu@havas.com(注明来自HR圈内招聘网)



