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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

HR Recruiter/ Assistant招聘专员/人事助理-北京

2014-08-05 18:20

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 北京HR职位

HR Recruiter/ Assistant招聘专员/人事助理-北京
1 3&8 
Job Purpose
The Recruiter/Assistant is to expand the recruitment channels, lead and control the recruitment process and hire the best possible talent.
·Work with HR Head on recruitment plans
·Communicate with department managers to find out the hiring needs
·Lead the creation of a recruiting and interviewing plan for each open position.
·Efficiently and effectively fill open positions.
·Utilize the Internet and social netting channels for recruitment.
--Post positions to appropriate Internet sources.
--Improve the company website recruiting page to assist in recruiting.
--Research new ways of using the Internet for recruitment.
--Use social and professional networking sites to identify and source candidates
·Conduct regular follow-up with managers to determine the effectiveness of recruiting plans and implementation.
·Develop a pool of qualified candidates in advance of need.
·Research and recommend new sources for active and passive candidate recruiting.
·Build networks to find qualified positive candidates.
·Help on HR operation and administration work when required.
Any interested candidates, please send your updated resume to merry.wang@iqair-china.com,or call 010-84475680-838, for more hot jobs information, please visit: http://www.iqair-china.com/zh_hans/career  
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请将更新好的中英文简历投递到: merry.wang@iqair-china.com (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)



