
  • 性别 保密
  • 来自
  • 生日 0000-00-00
  • 等级 普通会员
  • 发表主题 18
  • 发表评论 0
  • 顶过主题 0
  • 踩过主题 0
  • 圈内币 36 点
  • 上传附件 5 个
HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

初级法律顾问 Junior Legal Counsel

2014-11-11 17:01

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 其他

Perform a variety of legal advice and support activities to protect the company's reputation and business interests and help ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. 
Legal support activities:
- Assist all CHEERS business entities in obtaining proper and valid business licenses and certificates;
- Prepare and/or review commercial agreements, legal documents and correspondence (like commercial contracts, HR documentation, etc) related to various operational, trade, commercial and financial matters;
- Support Company (HR) management for all legal issues concerning any HR matter (including visa, employment, termination etc.);
- Follow up closely China's legal, regulatory or policy changes that affect the Company business, keeping management informed, making recommendations and developing actions plans;
- Act as main contact person for various administrative agencies (including AIC, FDA, PSB, Customs, Commerce Commission, EPA and Cheng'guan);
- Coordinate with external legal counsels;
- Assist in and provide other legal support requested by the management.
- Honest with integrity
- Team Player with a strong sense of responsibility;
- Excellent communication and negotiation skills;
- Mother tongue Mandarin, and excellent command of English; other languages a plus; 
- Efficient and independent working style (good organizational and time management skills)
- Legal research and analytical skills
- Strong business acumen with problem-solving focus (develop creative yet legally compliant solutions) 
- Bachelor's degree or above in Law from a recognized university
- 1-2 years work experience in the legal field in the private sector, NGO or government
fY]h x#82 
Company Introduction
CHEERS makes drinking wine fun and our customers smile! We sell imported quality wines to low cost prices in our CHEERS Stores. We have a wide selection of wines and sparkling wines from all over the world. We love to surprise and entertain our customers with our charming customer service, our wide selection of videos, store themes and crazy marketing ideas. We transfer wine knowledge on and off line, in an informal but professional way! We are simple, real and authentic! Our internal training center is one of our focuses! We believe in the strength and the potential of our staff. We respect, help and support each other, no matter what! We believe that everything is possible when we stay positive, flexible, smart and always open to learn! We aim for extraordinary, to provide the best wines and services to our customers! Our goal is to expand CHEERS to all provinces in China and make many people smile!
如对职位感兴趣,请发送个人简历到:hr@cheers-wines.com (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)



