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Office Manager-Blakc and Gold-SH

2015-02-11 18:54

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 上海职位

A French Design Agency is looking for its dynamic and enthusiast OFFICE MANAGER in Shanghai.
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3-to-5-year experience, fluent in English, good presentation, trustworthy, good team-player,
smart, efficient, responsible, mature, autonomous, proactive, 
organised, paying attention to details, able to take initiatives, no-need to be told twice, 
Our OFFICE MANAGER will be particularly involved on different subjects :
ADMIN / HR : support in the filling and application of the labor contracts, salary payment process, monitor holiday balance sheet, file the performance evaluations, interact sometimes with the visa/workpermit agent and Labor Bureau.
ADMIN / FIN : collaborate with the accountant team, support in the preparation of the financial reporting, maintain the filling of Client contracts, issue fabio, follow-up of payments, interact with the Bank, Tax Bureau, and Customer's finance department. 
COMMUNICATION : centralise the agency's contact database, coordinate the weekly promotional mailing, participate to spread the promotional content created by the Agency on the social media and PR platforms.
Everyday we are trying to make our Agency a better place to work and evolve. Therefore, as an active member of the team working within a creative and inspiring environment, our new colleague will be expected to show an interest into what the Agency wants to achieve, to contribute and efficiently support departments. He / She will report directly to the Managing Director.
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A great opportunity to join a dynamic and ambitious team, evolve in a creative environment, and develop a rich experience.
 e.han@black-and-gold.com (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)
Contact us now !



