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[外包]北京美资上市互联网公司EA一名 12-18k

2015-03-23 15:23

来源: 原创

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 北京美资上市互联网公司招聘EA一名,负责亚太区总裁的助理,同时曲线汇报给大中华区的HRD 英文务必很好,要做一些视频会议的翻译工作,要写英文公文;
男女不限,聪明,机灵,嘴巴严,不多事的那种人。 工作年限:7年以上,经验丰富的可以降低要求。 
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Executive Assistant
What You’ll Do:
·   Regular management report & communication support:
o   Faciliate cross-department and cross-region communications, helping to draft and distribute reports and internal communications to different departments and regions (being sensitive of different levels of confidential information & distribution restrictions)
o   Support APAC President in receiving, consolidating and preparing weekly and monthly reports into coherent documents (powerpoint, emails)
o   Helping to set and coordinate agenda for regular company-wide meetings, offsites and other internal events
·         English/Chinese internal communication translation:
o   Support the business in communication between APAC teams and global team by helping to bridge language issues (english to chinese or chinese to english)
o   Participate in meetings on an as needed basis to faciliate communications
o   Help to translate (or manage the translation by external resources depending on circumstances) of any speeches, presentations, emails that APAC President& other Greater China executives would like to sharein both English and Chinese
·         Calendar and schedule management:
o   Faciliate cross-time zone meeting organization both internally and externally
o   Support APAC President and other greater China executives to manage meeting conflicts, timezone challenges, tele-conferencing facilities and meeting room facilities
o   Scheduling regular departmental / individual meetings
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·         Travel coordination:
o   Coordinate and book all travel including flights, hotels, currency, taxis while adhering to the TripAdvisor policies, including complex international multi-segment trips
·         Other general administrative tasks
o   Complete expense reports for APAC President on an as needed basis
o   Handle confidential documents and correspondence with the utmost trust and discretion
o   Preparing PowerPoint presentations, correspondence, charts, tables and graphs and maintaining spreadsheets & generating reports on an as needed basis
o   Organize APAC Executives Offsite as needed basis
·         Office management and Employee Activities
o   Manage and monitor Office budget for Beijing office
o   Prepare expense report based on financial requirement
o   Daily office management support base as needed basis
o   Manage and organize employee activities for Beijing office as project manager, such as employee offsite and Beijing office annual party
•  7-10 years supporting senior level executives
•  Highly proficient in PowerPoint and Excel and able to pull together information
•  Meeting planning and calendar management experience
•  Domestic and international travel arrangement experience
•  At least 1 to 2 years’ project management experience 
•  Bachelor’s Degree highly preferred
•  Professional, experience working with confidential matters, thoughtful gatekeeper
•  Resourceful, solutions-oriented and service-oriented individual
•  Excellent professional language skills in both English and Chinese (spoken & written)
•  Ability to multitask in a highly efficient manner with rapid turnaround time
•  Ability to think ahead, anticipate needs and issues and take initiative to proactively address
In addition, the ideal candidate will demonstrate the following competencies:
• Flexible and open to change and new information; adapts behavior and work methods accordingly
• Grasps the essence of new information; recognizes own strengths and weaknesses; pursues self-development; seeks feedback.
• Exhibits integrity though fair and ethical behavior toward others and a demonstrated sense of corporate responsibility and commitment. 
• Treats colleagues and partners with respect: considers and responds appropriately to the needs, feelings, and capabilities of different people
• Can be relied upon  to ensure that projects within areas of specific responsibility are completed in an appropriate and timely manner and acknowledges mistakes, learns from those events and is able to move forward productively
• Identifies and analyzes problems; distinguishes between relevant and irrelevant information.
• Ability to balance time to market with a solution and make the right trade-offs along the way
• Strong analytical skills: understands and utilizes metrics relevant to role
• Clear communication through expression of facts and ideas in a clear, convincing and organized manner
• Good business judgment when making decisions and always considers the relevance/impact of each decision on the business
• Willing to do hands-on work and get into details for the office management stuffs as needed
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简历发到:knightwang@hrrainbow.com (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)合适马上联系您~~~     
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