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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2015-06-09 09:16

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 HR主管级

- Implement staffing strategies to provide a qualified and diverse candidate pool and ensure hiring manager and team preparedness during the interview process and those interviews are conducted efficiently and professionally.
- Manage candidate process and act as a candidate advocate; evaluate skill level, manage offer process, including reference checks, salary recommendations, offer letter generation and offer acceptance/declines.
- Source candidates through networking, internet postings, and university relations
- Improve the customer experience with customers broadly defined as candidates, new hires, hiring managers and recruiters, and continuously follow-up with clients to confirm staffing plans and candidates needs are met.
- Compile and update reports for job openings, hires and post-hire summaries for hiring managers.
- Organize the internal training regularly.
- Other duties assigned by HR Director.
- BA/BS degree preferred with human resources background.
- At least 5 years proven recruiting experience in internet industry and Headhunting.
- Ability to handle customer relationship management, provide strong customer consultative skills and work in a large team environment.
- Ability to work in a team environment with a high sense of urgency.
- Proven ability to consistently and positively contribute in a high-paced, changing work environment.
- PC proficiency in MS office, including Word and Excel.
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MSN,微软合资公司,13年开始业务转型。主要负责运营微软旗下产品Skype,必应搜索,MSN中文网等。 期望候选人: 1.有资深猎头顾问经验,操作过高端职位 2.可以全英文交流 3.招聘部分专注互联网职位 4.团队沟通以及协调能力要好 5.本职位title为专员(要求5年以上互联网招聘经验,尤其是技术相关职位招聘资源和经验。 猎头或企业经验均可。



