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Commercial Innovation Manager-Arla Foods-Beijing-base:open

2015-06-16 16:57

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 销售/市场

Job Title:              Commercial Innovation Manager
Location:                 Beijing
Reporting to:          Innovation Center Head-Kathrine Købke
Job Description:
l          Help to create the future of cheese and dairy products in China by contribution of innovation that can lead to organic growth
l          Manage and take lead on front end commercial activities related to our new Innovation Centre in Beijing
l          Build and develop strong new concepts based on global initiatives as well as local front end consumer & customer insights to fit our China Growth Strategy
l          Be in charge of setting upco-creation sessions with consumers and customers to obtain insights and inspiration for new innovation ideas for pipeline, channel, engagement, communication, trial, partners, education, e-commerce etc.
l          Support to create positive and successful communication internally and over time also externally around how to apply Dairy products and especially cheese in cooking and baking. This through events, small videos, social media etc.
l          Be a part of our newly established Innovation Team where we all provide a huge level of engagement and drive in order to make Arla cheese become a success in China
l          Specific tasks
Ø         Anticipate and generate consumer & customer insights to understand the real needs and then convert the insights into development of strong and solid concepts and possibilities to feed the innovation pipeline. This also includes connection of Global initiatives with local insights and market understanding
Ø         Testing / co-creation with consumers & customers in our Innovation Kitchen
Ø         Recruitment of the right test people, contact to agency / establish a way to do it together with COFCO / our self
Ø         Quick consumer tasting set-up for new products / prototypes – planning, facilitating & capture key results
Ø         Incubate local ideas, solutions, services etc.
Ø         Replicate competition and learn from China and other Asian countries
Ø         Be a strong link between our Global commercial organisation in Denmark and China
Ø         Gain and document consumer& customer insights on all levels in close corporation with existing organisation
Ø         Support to development of commercial related communication material, video sessions etc. for the Centre
Ø         Give input and support to the commercial part of our training material e.g. unique sales points etc. to make it fit the sales force, distributors etc.
Ø         Find activities we need to participate in (Bigger events where we need to be present, local exhibitions / cheese events, Pizza competitions, etc.)
l          Functional competencies:
Ø         Have ability to gain deep understanding of the Chinese market, retailers and consumers
Ø         Ability to find market potentials in China and understand how to develop concepts to achieve them
Ø         Minimum bachelor degree in relevant area + at least 5 year experience from FMCG sales and / or marketing and / or innovation
Ø         A strong and proven background in marketing and / or innovation
Ø         Experienced within concept development and project management
Ø         Work experience from an international company
Ø         Know and understand how to work in a Matrix organisation
Ø         High level English skills
l          General competencies:
Ø         Knowledge within how to use social medias & digital
Ø         Ability to work independent as well as in a group
Ø         Outgoing / Extrovert and enjoy speaking in front of a group of people
Ø         Structured (deliver on agreed timelines)
Ø         Good at building strong professional relationships
Ø         Good at stakeholder management
l          Personal competencies:
Ø         A real food lover
Ø         Positive mind set
Ø         Take initiative and are self-driven/proactive
Ø         Great communication skills
Ø         Strong Drive and Engagement
Ø         See challenges as new possibilities
Ø         Focused on the end result
Ø         Have a pragmatic approach to problem solving
cv发送至:shino_wang@boqiaochina.com  (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)



