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[猎]全球知名保险公司招HR Officer (C&B)-万宝盛华

2015-07-23 17:48

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 广深职位

【职位名称】全球知名保险公司招HR Officer (C&B)
_ 4F. 
*preparing staff announcement
*providing staff movement information to I.T. Department
*updating medical enrolment and termination
*processing the application for registration and de-registration of Technical Representative in CIB
*processing the application for registration and de-registration of MPF intermediary in MPFA
*processing the medical reimbursement (e.g. special approval and hospitalization)
*preparing the employer’s tax return for new staff and leaving staff
*calculating the final payment and issuing the final letter to leaving staff
* ensuring personal particulars for staff are kept up-to-date in system and personal file
*conducting exit interview for general staff
*updating the training records
*monitoring leave record (annual leave, sick leave etc.)
*monitoring and updating access card to new staff and leaving staff
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1.generating and checking monthly payroll reports and contribution reports for all retirement schemes
2.transferring all data to Regional office after payroll processing
3.generating and checking provident fund slips to the relevant staff members
4.checking the medical premium report for executives
5.preparing the following reports
G2a= + 
       -      headcount
       -      resignation
       -      staff changes report for Business Continuity Plan
1.checking the medical premium for general staff
2.checking the club dentures debit note from JM
1.processing the renewal of registration for broking staff in CIB
2.preparing employer’s tax return to Inland Revenue Department
3.assisting in the preparation of annual salary increments and bonuses
4.assisting in preparation of Directors’ Emoluments
5.monitoring Years of Service Awards to staff members in Christmas Ball
6.monitoring the ex-employees filing system on annual basis
7.monitoring two-yearly chest x-ray examination for general staff
8.To prepare the documents for the application and renewal of work visa for expatriates.
9.To complete the personnel related surveys
10.To carry out ad hoc personnel-related projects as and when required.
有意者可发简历至:catherine.li@cn.manpowergroup.com (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)



