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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

[外包]Office Assistant-化工业-长宁万都中心-6000~6500 gross

2015-09-08 11:24

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:外企 行政 化工业 上海职位

【外包岗】中智招聘Office Assistant,派至亨斯曼化工公司上班 'qH:|v!P 
上班地点:上海市兴义路8号万都中心49楼 _sW QN 
上/下班时间:8:30-17:30 $`Xr>w\1 
薪资:税前6000~6500元/月+车贴200元/月+饭贴100元/月+五险一金 Hhmm;|-p 
工作内容 S/V?lR 
1、Handle the admin business for team T&E business, which is included airfare, train ticket booking, hotel reservation, car service arrangement, visa& invitation letter application etc. a{M 0G6 
2、Handle the office daily operation expense via company system which is included PR requisition, PO following up with vendor and buyer, invoice submission to finance each month and monthly admin cost breakdown report. G9M<4 
3、Meeting Room reservation, name card and office stationary booking and stocking checking, office’s facility maintenance calling and admin orientation for new associate etc. c[orS0hm 
4、Admin Backup support for the receptionist and admin officer for his or her absence. g$UmpJ 
要求: _\:Z"B[ 
1、Good Communication with internal and external team for the daily office operation. v?%@J"kL  
Fluently use both in English and Mandarin for daily communication plus good computer skill for report analysis. E+e#E6 $ 
2、Age 20-30 Female Education Background Bachlor Degree .)u HOy 
3、Major Administration/Secretary/Business Management is preference Q~'@K 
4、Working Experience 1-2 years in relevant function multinational company C1RN\s~ 
备注: {YW E@c 
该岗位合同跟CIIC签订,因亨斯曼业务需要,合同期限先签订半年,预计11.1左右入职,之后会有续签机会。 "Bq+-~cQ 
74kIl ge 
有意向投递简历:sw@ciicsh.com,主题注明【HR圈内招聘应聘亨斯曼Office Assistant岗】感谢您的投递!




