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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2016-02-17 11:11

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 广深职位

招聘公司背景: e|4v~$n 
世界500强企业之一,核能源建设领域Top1。凭借其遍布全球40多个国家的生产设施以及在100多个国家的销售网络,该集团拥有的75000名员工。 oxSg\\=l!T 
工作地点:广东台山(江门附近) 3YPZR)c 
签约:第三方外派,合同到2016年12月 bULr#cEE( 
职位名称:HR专员 ;<9n M  
薪资:8000-12000 A?F*o\P_ 
需求经验: BKpNLvj6b 
1、2-5年HR领域工作经验 HT0%m3 ( 
2、英语听说读写流利,对接外籍员工 -,M3 @,Jk[ 
3、此职位不接受15届毕业生 Ul tAo]( 
薪资面议 I)\VqG` 
p.s.请在应聘主题写上你的应聘职位+地区,谢谢! nF xr "u 
fZ bsG9R 
工作职责: jDrC jPZe 
Recruitment: #A/< 
 Recruitments in local contract; & +:OigKD" 
 VIE-to-Local, locally-hired Europeans; :yq9{ m= 
 Internship; +p=oCc 
 Internal mobility etc. KHEd~ > 
Performance & Training Development: zfOy`6uwl+ 
 Follow mid-year/yearly performance reviews with training needs analyze; "?"U^oW 
 Realize training needs of expatriates in China; nT +=NPMVq 
 Training implementation with AREVA Uni./CORP. TRA./Europ./U.S./Home HR and external providers; {8wvqmaPg 
 Language courses for expatriates/locals in all project locations. 020sS e8D 
Employee Relationship: 5YD9-7EY 
 Management of probation, 8 Uvg w 
 Contract renewal, resignation, termination, exit interview & documentation; #^DPst~- 
 Provide HR guidance and assistance to site employees; :81I4y)5:; 
 Deal with labor disputes; 1 7Bv p 
 Manage employee transfer to Taishan etc. ]Q{yAVj 
Compensation & Benefit: 7!ZX`2pN0f 
 Preparation and submission of social insurance documentation; .N-E1iA 
 Coordination in expatriate IIT; `}&`?^0 
 Coordination with Taishan government authorities; 7**eE[$r# 
 Local benefits, welfares preparation & distribution; umkhV\df 
 Follow up annual salary review & bonus. $cUk.( 
Other HR tasks: rU>Z`y 
 frequent business trips to Taishan City/Beijing/Shenzhen; ; lv-YR% 
 HR contractual documents preparation and get signed by Project Direction monthly; wO&Z$iYJB 
 Induction Program to newcomers on site; QS&rR~HNYM 
 Prepare AREVA monthly global Polypheme employee data report to EURIWARE Capgemini; yhnX4v}BZ 
 Issue of HR certificates; h{"fAorKd 
 Leave management tool and report to European payroll responsible; C+My7ICI 
 Reception of HR VIP visit;  ~?77yU" 
 Other requests. 7{j8x~h;7 
q<\ .%PFI 



