
  • 性别
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  • 生日 1982-08-16
  • 等级 普通会员
  • 发表主题 25
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  • 圈内币 61 点
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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

HR Project Manager-任仕达-华贸中心-12K~15K(已经招到啦)

2016-03-15 09:33

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 HRM级

Position               HR Project Manager (Mid of April to Oct, 6 month’s assignment)

Report to              HR Deputy Director

Department          HR

Location               Beijing

Mission Statement:

This position will partner with the business managers to assist with the growth of organization and provide critical services in all aspects of human resources management, including but limited to recruitment, C&B, training, employee relations and provide appropriate HR solutions to the business.



    Be the owner of full life cycle of recruiting, i.e. job needs analysis, appropriate channel selection, interview (incl. coordination of interview arrangements) with hiring managers in an effective way to make hiring decision, offering, etc.

    Provide expertise in recruitment key projects-competency model, interview tools & systems development, recruitment channel optimization etc.;

    Complete other ad-hoc projects assigned by Head of HR.

HR Business Partner

    Act as HR BP and support general human resources activities. Work with business managers to understand the business environment and to determine, develop and execute HR solutions to support the growth of business.


    BA/BS in HR Management, Business Administration or other related fields is preferred.

    Minimum 5 years in house recruiting/HR BP experience in MNC.

    5+ years working experience in HR field, preferably in a generalist role.

    Experience and proven track record in working across the core HR functions.

    Sufficient employee relation handling experience and be very familiar to Labor Law and local practices.

    Strong communication and interpersonal skills.

    Fluent in English and Chinese, both oral and written.

    Fluent in using MS tools or equivalent.


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