
  • 性别 保密
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  • 等级 普通会员
  • 发表主题 7
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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

ZARA-北京建国门-HRBP/HR Supervisor 人力资源主管

2016-10-26 15:32

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 HRBP专区

Job description
Report to Operation HR Manager. You will be in charge of ZARA or other brands stores in North China with base in Beijing.
The goal is working closely with stores and transmitting the Group′s values, policies and culture in people management to stores. Creating a positive environment and influencing actively in the leadership style of Store Managers.
Recruitment: knowledge and apply recruitment tools for hiring the new staff in the stores (Managers, Cashiers and Sales Assistants).
Handle the hiring procedure of new on-boarding employees.
Conduct store visit to make sure the smooth operation in the shop in terms of people management.
Organize stores openings in his/her zone: Plan the Headcount of the staff and chronogram: recruiting and training program for new openings.
Store’s staff training, development and evaluation.
Staff: create the budget hours for the store, time-tables and contracts
Labor relations, resolving any labor relation related issue, staff security, etc.
Internal communication.
University degree. Postgraduate studies in HR would be valued.
Minimum of 5 years experience in a generalist HR position ideally in a multinational retailer with various points of sale in China.
Fluent in Mandarin and English. Knowledge of Spanish would be a plus.
Solid knowledge of local labor legislation and practices.
Availability for frequent travel arrangement.
Willing to work close to the business and the stores by managing and influencing teams.
Strong sense of responsibility, maturity and teamwork.
Able to work independently and under pressure.
Impressive interpersonal skills and problem solving skills.
Good communication and coordination.
Computer skills on MS.



