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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

欧洲知名人力资源集团Gi Group-Finance Supervisor-北京朝阳门-15k-20k

2017-06-23 14:26

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 其他

Main duties and responsibilities:
1.       Obtain and maintain a thorough understanding of the financial reporting and general ledger structure;
2.       Responsible for monthly/quarterly/yearly closing processes, including but not limited review of double entries and filing of original vouchers
3.       Prepare internal financial report package and other information required by internal functions & HQ
4.       Monthly BS & PL item reconciliation, raise alert if any abnormal
5.       Optimize accounting procedures and accounting system framework
6.       Liaise and cooperate with other departments in daily work, keep good communication with bank, tax, SAFE and other partners
7.       Perform last review for employee reimbursement and payment, and payment approval from E-bank
8.       Prepare regular MCR forecast, cash forecast, AR report analysis, P&L analysis
9.       Involve in monthly/quarterly/yearly tax declaration, annual report
10.   Involve in annual budgeting and monitor its enforcement
11.   Monitor monthly invoice issuing and collection
12.   Lead the annual audit
13.   Perform other related missions and duties as required
Education: Bachelor degree or above
Language: good written and spoken English (Must)
Computer: Good Microsoft excel and word, Yongyou(用友) software
Working experience: At least 6 years related working experience
Personal attributes: be honest and accountable, self-motivated, good communication skills, able to work under pressure, team spirit,ability to multi-task, and meet deadlines required
 Report line: to general manager
Please send your CV to:yanna.wu@gigroup.com(注明来自HR圈内招聘网)
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 Wyser是从属于Gi Group旗下的一家跨国公司,主要从事专业性细分领域的中高级人才寻访及甄选服务。
        总部位于意大利米兰的 Gi Group(杰艾集团)是全球领先的一站式人力资源服务供应商。集团在派遣,招聘,猎头,外包,海外人才引进、人力资源咨询和培训以及其他多种综合服务领域均处于行业领先地位。通过战略合作及直接兼并收购的模式,集团已经在全球超过40个国家与地区设立500家分支机构,拥有超过2500名直聘员工,足迹遍布欧洲,亚洲及美洲大陆。
        经过20年的行业经验与服务积累,Gi Group已拥有超过12000家合作客户并与众多全球500强企业建立了长期合作伙伴关系。此外,Gi Group 专注于不同行业的本土化运作,同时Gi Group的国际化团队能够为不同需求的客户提供定制式服务,并能在全球范围内提供整体化的一站式HR解决方案(例如,SMS驻场管理服务,BPO业务流程外包等)。



