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总经理助理/GM assistant-爱施健-国贸

2017-06-27 11:35

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 其他

爱施健(Aspen)成立于1997年,总部位于南非,从建立至今,由最初售卖非专利药一路发展成为一家大型跨国制药公司,在全球150个国家开设分公司,横跨六大洲,拥有23家制造工厂,雇佣员工共8200名,成为全球制药50强企业。2016年,爱施健(Aspen)的全资子公司AGI(Aspen Global Incorporated)收购英国阿斯利康全球麻醉业务组合,包括得普利麻(丙泊酚注射液,全身麻醉药)、恩纳(利多卡因丙胺卡因霜,局部麻醉药)以及5个局部麻醉药。爱施健将进一步拓展中国市场,致力将优质药物提供给更多中国患者,以满足中国不断增长的医疗需求。           
- Assist to implement GM direction and handling daily office administration and operational affairs
- Make GM daily trip arrangement such as air ticket ,hotel and relevant logistic
- Prepare and organize the meeting as requested, require high ability in meeting communication, organization and coordination
- Role of facilitator to ensure field force efficiencies are identified and achieved
- Lead all administrative support functions, including meeting logistic arranging, Excellence units assisting and facilities maintaining
- Excellent oral and written English
- Advanced knowledge in Microsoft Office tools
- Common sense and problem solving mind
- Very good presentation and communication skills
- Curious, flexible, easy-going, pro-active and ingenious
- Minimum 5 years of working experience in a Assistant position
- Work experience in pharmaceutical MNC will be preferred
9)b !-CHB 



