来源: 原创
- Support TAP( Talent Acquisition Partner) on new employee pre-on boarding process and documents collection and preparation/新员工入职前流程管理和文档收集
- Talent Acquisition relevant invoice & payment management and system operation /招聘相关发票和付款的管理和系统操作
- P-file document preparation before new employees’ on board day /员工档案的准备和建立
- Support the TA relevant hiring channels’ daily communication as request base on business needs/根据业务需求 支持招聘相关渠道的日常沟通工作
- Relevant TA project logistic support/招聘相关项目的支持
- Support TA vendor reporting and data collection and analysis /招聘相关供应商的数据收集和分析
- Support the TA team’s data maintenance as requested/招聘相关报表和数据分析
- Other assignments as request base on business needed/其他根据业务需求所安排的工作