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  • 等级 普通会员
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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

Senior Recruiter-Edelman-BJ-9~11k

2018-03-01 17:39

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 HR专员助理级

Main responsibilities
Mainly responsible for junior to middle level hiring 
Effectively maintain and develop candidate database through various channels including but not limited to: cold call, job ads posting, database search, internal & external referrals, social media and networking 
Maintain a regular dialogue with hiring managers to gain a deep understanding of responsible recruitment needs 
Optimize recruitment process, enhance candidate experience and meet hiring manager needs 
Proactively develop new/appropriate recruitment channels
Other duties assigned 
Key requirements
2-3 years’ recruiting experience with international exposure 
Marketing/advertisement agency working experience is a plus 
Headhunting background preferred 
Good communication skills both internally and externally 
Proven track record in attracting talents 
Be proactive and positive 
Be able to work independently, have can-do spirit 
Can work under pressure 
Good command of English 
q+~ PCO 
send CV to molly.xie@edelman.com(注明来自HR圈内招聘网)



