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  • 生日 1979-06-26
  • 等级 普通会员
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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2018-09-06 16:06

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:18年HRM 欧美外企HRM HRM管理师 HR求职

I am seeking new opportunities to advance my career in HR and EHS. During my past work experience, I enjoyed the career growth into an expert in HR and EHS, particularly in global companies where I appreciated its professionalism as well as exposure to different cultures.
I have worked fruitfully with upper management from Singapore, USA, Germany and Korean. Besides work, I also had a good time teaching Chinese to my foreign colleagues, including upper management. Communicating with them greatly broadened my horizon.
Meanwhile, I am also working on my English to be more effective in my future endeavors.
I am seeking a new start. So I appreciate any information regarding to a position in HR/EHS. I am currently living in Shanghai, China. 
My Email: haifeng3233@sina.com  My cell phone:18662602787



