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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2021-07-03 18:45

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 上海职位

1. Work with the team to define and implement campus recruitment strategy and campaigns for biology department, oncology and immunology department. Design and deliver market relevant and innovative campus recruitment strategies and processes. Promote campus recruitment and employer branding among target universities;
2. End to end handle campus program execution with strong capability to track details and results. Work with the team on campus recruitment implementation plan, target universities selection, campaign design, promotion plan, selection process, offer, and post-offer engagement initiatives;
3. Develop and maintain external relationships with students, career development officers and professors in universities. e.g. through attending or organizing campus talks in universities. Act as a university liaison and coordinate/ plan university relationship programs (career talks/fairs, networking events, skill sessions, etc.). 
4. Build and track campus recruitment records, data, reporting, and analytics and provide insights and recommendations for business units. Ensure data integrity and effective management reporting.
1. Bachelor’s degree or above, majoring preferably in Human Resources, psychology or business/marketing related majors;
2. Minimum 1~3 years of relevant campus recruiting and employer branding experience; experience in large-volume campus recruitment, employer branding or campus recruitment assessment tools a plus; 
3. Experience in university relations building and maintenance and ability to develop new partnerships with universities;
4. Strong interpersonal communication and English/Chinese presentation skills, 
5. Experience in project management and office tools



