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Software Engineer-读写即可

2012-08-09 17:56

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:开发 技术研发

Software Engineer (M)(7—13K)Rb4$S6SL 
Responsibitilies and TasksqaM{:nf.jz 
A)  Create software design specifications based on marketing or customer requirementsy,Vp2k- 
A)  Design, implement, and deliver the next-generation image data acquisition, display and analysis software used in safety and security business line with advanced digital image processing functionivxwI+%] 
A) Develop and upgrade current software components & system using Visual C/C++, SDK, MFC, and other software toolsoEk P%\ 
B) Plant software based on Windows XP to different operation system, such as Linux, Windows 7.}Up\9w3 
B) Write software technical documents?0D$b-c$H 
B) Software training and support for customers Go zt#-# 
B) Perform debugging on reported production issues as needed

Professional Competences-tmq+Vr 
? Good understanding of Windows programming and mechanism Tuu W{ 
? Strong design and programming skills in C/C++ (Visual C++) under Windows environment6^bP8=DG(v 
? Strong experience with socket APIs, inter-process communications, and real-time, multi-threaded programming]&wo!@'qa^ 
? Experience with network packet/traffic analysis and capture toolsAi'.-fny3r 
? Experience in digital Image processing software development (algorithms, image formats, compression, Enhancement methods)

? BS or higher in Computer Software or related technical degree.)Y>6{S(- 
? At least 3 years of software development experience.

Supporting Competencesxx(bCIVg 
? High professional ethics and good working attitude` A0! 
? Familiar with the software development life cycle}i `x2S 
? Familiar with TCP/IP and UDP network protocols at the system/kernel level+-2}9 
? Familiar with USB protocols s at the system/kernel levelUVcq9b&7J6 
? Good written and verbal communication skills in English>U{}6( 
? Should have initiative and willingness to work diligently during required periods to achieve project milestonesYu5y![ 
? Familiar with Windows driver development would be a plus!=ssGTe[ 
? Understanding of Linux programming and mechanism would be a plusz8+.^dL( 
? Familiar with Linux driver development would be a plus'!#Cw]Q 
? Experience in embedded system development would be a plusr QaN; 
? Experience in database system programming will be an added advantageQXX<N*L! 
? Experience in Matlab would be a plus

Comments\;w`kn Kv 
1. 重点大学,最好是研究生学历。最好是国内排名前30的大学毕业的。& '~~Ng 
2. 研究生2年以上经验,本科3年以上经验。Gr+x$K Ve 
3. 做图像相关的采集,传输,处理都可以。p5 Re90/ 
4. 做X光机,数码相机比较合适。ss'2H* R 
5. Windows平台,或者是Linux平台,有任何一个比较强就可以。A#TKp(` 
6. 懂算法是加分项,但是不是硬性要求。[I55?I 
7. 英语书面要好,口语能交流就可以


MSN tangku6@hotmail.com

QQ 1492047121





