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Test Engineer-英语读写即可

2012-08-09 18:11

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 技术研发

Responsibitilies and Tasks<s]YGxVD 
A) Responsible for implementing the design verification and validation testing of the prototypes (Build & Test phase) for DT’s X-Ray detector modules, guarantee

the quality of new products and other project deliverables.[ k@|mae)V 
A) Be able to independently test and complete related test result analysis and test report. Reporting the test results to project managers and product managers.>j0 %s/C8* 
A) Actively work with DT’s Finland test team and DT’s project managers, and participate tester development activities, such as design and development of test

equipment, fixtures, software, and cables as needed in a new project.v:~<&z:l1 
A) Assist project managers to draw up design validation and production test plan.x\e|AHJ~  
A) Provide input for the new product specification reviews for testing partALKVf# 
A) Follow up new product defaults and problems found in testing.

Professional CompetencesKzqqrS l 
 Rich experience in testing requirements analysis, design validation testing and production testing of electronic products.c `MnH;(f 
 Solid knowledge in analog and digital electronics, including: \mdHlc1Tu 
 PCB manufacturing and circuit design.f%!7!aW"/ 
 CPLD, embedded system firmware programming.-Cu8S^,7 
 Experience with software design and debug (eg. Visual C++, Visual Basic and LabView). AF #h!+ 
 EMC behavior.c&CW3kM 
 Reliability engineering.eB?%(/lN( 
 Good test result analyzing, and test report writing skills.wHt8bA2_B 
 Strong sense of quality, to strictly comply with the testing process specifications. onN6fkJ 
 Familiar with the testing equipment and instruments.(e.g.  Automatic Test Equipment, thermal chambers, Scope, multi-meter, …)

 BS or higher in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or equivalent.SoT6pc&$P 
 At least 3 years industrial hands-on experience in test engineering. 

Supporting Competences0~ * Q^K 
 Good verbal and written communications skills in English.T\;@adQb8 
 Must be highly motivated and skillful at analyzing difficult testing technical issues.Z7w*^f: 
 Knowledge of electronics hardware and software design.


MSN tangku6@hotmail.com

QQ 1492047121





