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Equipment & Process Engineer英语读写即可

2012-08-09 18:16

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 技术研发

1) Equipment managementB #85,4Dr 
A) Overall control to equipments as individual equipments owner. c DQy:9H 
A) Continuous improvement to OEE.L.i)Q]ydfw 
A) Repairing by on call or shift on duty1y.X]>  
B) Preparation for PM document, service report.,*n.KLH7^| 
B) Sourcing new equipment and spare parts to production

2) Process management3z ; B! 
A) Overall control to processes as individual process owner. n_d>z,H?Y 
A) Continuous improvement to process capacity.>Vkbm 4A 
A) Develop new process introduction to productionW)=;q 
B) Preparation for process document, validation report.

Professional Competences{gh O1Js 
 Solid understanding on Microelectronic technology - 0 7ZkE  
 Practice and experience in Foundry, Wafer manufacturing@"L?:[-r$ 
 Practice and experience in Semiconductor Packaging Processq"=bUD^[- 
 Practice and experience in electronic product assembly technology

 Bachelor degree or above, major in Microelectronics\electronics1#`*vg}W 
 3 or more years semiconductor packaging production or related experienceEju gK/k 
 Plenty of PM experience to semiconductor packaging and manufacturing equipments.

Supporting Competences?U -i}g,E 
 Ability to use analysis tools, like Minitab2;VEAs)  
 Ability to use quality control tools, SPC, Six Sigmav"j4l ^>gm 
 Experience of lean manufacturingPA ]edA~ 
 Fluent English communication skill


MSN tangku6@hotmail.com

QQ 1492047121





