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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

中美合资企业急招HR & Admin. Manager

2012-08-14 13:28

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 北京HR职位

 【HR&Admin Mgr】中美合资公司,薪水30-40W/Y。






Job Responsibilities:

- Develop and implement company's HR and Office administration policies in compliance with company strategy and government law;_*Miy3 
- Plan, recruit and select and place new employeesej{/W`` 
- Manage payroll system and make sure payroll is performed timely and accurately~.]i3L 
- Conduct performance evaluations and merit reviews]?' 
- Organize different kinds of company events and practices to build company cultureco;ZlnM8P 
- Provide consultancy to line managers on HR policy and labor laws&}qgDb| 
- Develop, administer, and revise workplace policies and rules, making sure they meet national and local labour laws and regulations.\sm-jz gf 
- Design and implement HR programs or projectsT*} -,{TM 
- Develop and organize training programs for internal staffsz>0Y<e kT 
- Lead and manage daily HR & Admin. service operations=(NP0VmJL* 
- Other ad hoc tasks when needed#=CT V0a 
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Qualifications and experience:lsx T[3 
- University degree or above9; 44J*H 
- At least 5 years experience in the Human Resources fi;2U'8:0 
- Good communication and networking skill0G-5-aI(k 
- Proactive, self-motivation and willing to work under pressure3(R63Z_ 
- Is a team player and able to work effectively in matrix structure346wLo`X 
- Current knowledge in Chinese labour laws and regulations X#t;L-=uiS 
- Fluency in English and Mandarin

Phoebe Zheng Headhunter



