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Account Manager-Prime东方博远公关咨询有限公司-北京朝阳-薪资面议

2012-10-26 11:16

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 媒介/策划/创意

Account Manager
Job Description Provide senior-level account planning and supervision for accounts as well as provide specialized expertise in one or more service areas. Help set and achieve corporate goals through participation in decision-making and problem-solving processes. Serve as the strategic liaison among client, account team and agency management.
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Primary Responsibilities:
1、Serve as senior contact for clients, demonstrating in-depth knowledge of clients’ business; develop strategy for implementing successful client programs.
2、Daily work mostly in English
3、Maintain and grow existing Client business.
4、Develop and pitch new business opportunities.
5、Motivate team members by promptly reviewing work and providing constructive feedback; encourage teams to take advantage of training and development opportunities.
6、Exhibit strong communication and presentation skills to effectively articulate ideas to clients, colleagues and others.
7、Manage profitability and financial aspects of accounts.
8、Begin to build a leadership role in outside organizations to increase agency visibility in marketplace and create new business opportunities.
1、Proven ability to think creatively.
2、Proven ability to plan strategically and globally.
3、Highly skilled at developing and delivering presentations and pitches for Clients and prospective Clients.
4、Serve as an organization-wide standard for verbal and written client communications.
5、Professional Background and Experience: 7-10 years, with agency experience strongly preferred.
6、Education Background: Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, English or a related field. MBA preferred.
7、Language: Fluent in Mandarin Chinese and English.
请将应聘简历投递至: hr@primechina.com.cn或asli.zhang@primechina.com.cn



