
  • 性别
  • 来自 北京
  • 生日 1986-04-10
  • 等级 普通会员
  • 发表主题 2
  • 发表评论 2
  • 顶过主题 2
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  • 圈内币 8 点
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招聘顾问(助理)-某猎头公司-CBD-有竞争力的底薪+高佣金比例(10-30%)+5险一金 +弹性工作制

2012-11-14 11:41

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 北京HR职位

Mail:jan@intouch-consult.com &ZE-1Xr 
一家专门服务于外资研发中心的猎头公司,所有的客户都是欧美上市公司或刚进入国内的外资研发中心。团队擅长于各种技术研发测试、项目管理、技术管理职位,行业涉及到互联网、通信、金融等软硬件研发企业。自2007年成立以来,公司成功为客户招聘到数百位研发人才,并在多家客户供应商中排名前三。目前团队正处于快速发展期,欢迎加入到我们的专业招聘队伍中来。 '\g jg\M= 
薪资待遇:有竞争力的底薪+高佣金比例(10-30%)+5险一金 +弹性工作制 I&Xq?R 
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IT Consultant(Technology) i;:TsIRg 
Responsibilities: .Oy{;_e| 
Take charge of positions of specific technology independently YWAEh^[  
Requirement analysis and understand the points, make the searching plan e<u?0W;J_G 
Find the target company and candidates, mentor researcher working on the sourcing jobs *t,Vx&4%J 
CV screen and interview the candidates, give out comments, make the reports and recommendation 8wa B705 
Coordinate the negotiation about salary and done the offer process }z P<Oy* 
Follow candidates’ onboard situation and feedback to clients sVc$,Y 
Achieve the annual quota @-u7 I(> 
Help BD develop new client Q,f&? 
Requriments: IT# " 
Bachelor or higher, Major in IT technology or Human Resource is a plus q!Fl*D3 
more than 3 years recruiting experience, IT technology recruiting is a plus >mak4Nf 
Familiar with MNC recruiting process and common requirement z9 N+<jn\ 
Good English oral and writing ability, could host English interview independtly yo{#u 
Strong sense of responsibility, good communication, executive and learning ability H-(wBi%l > 
Result-oriented, self-motivation, handle press well UdMV )T5 
worker, willing to share

If you fail to prepare, you're prepared to fail.



