
  • 性别 保密
  • 来自
  • 生日 0000-00-00
  • 等级 普通会员
  • 发表主题 22
  • 发表评论 6
  • 顶过主题 6
  • 踩过主题 0
  • 圈内币 51 点
  • 上传附件 1 个
HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2012-11-21 09:58

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 北京HR职位

EA to Marketing VP 简历请发crystal_xie@talgen.cn或关注小猎_無憂兔寶微博

公司背景: 大型外资生物制药企业

工作地点: 北京

本科或以上学历,3年以上EA经验。细心稳重,对数字敏感, 英语流利。医药咨询背景优先。

待遇: 8K*13薪3个月奖金+各种补贴。

Job DescriptionWo>kS>Q\ 

Assist VP to handle personal daily affair PsF,#t'e 
Reimbursement {WjlH I< # 
Business trip management TE\pFlIy+D 
Others nSe: %1tK 
Handle dept. daily affair ]+%d7] 
EC project |UI(/cP 
Transfer of Intraweb WEt{r0 
Daily management of DMD meeting room, contact list, JACC’s signature stamp, dept overseas SIM cards etc. 0+wb6c3d 
Daily communication with other functions #9c~FL-{P 
Participate in various activities as the representative of DMD 5\{ AM 
Others Ck%=mG`/9 
Prepare reports rB6h%!Y 
MMR ^MuF&;@9Nx 
Cost report I6p0JMiG 
QA management 3SGw`C\\}F 
QBIQ weekly news review and QBIQ sublist maintain (have the right to add & de-select of QBIQ documents for own dept) AEVJki 
Make sure training structure in ISOtrain Pf$S:Fg( 
HQ and local SOP review, and make gap analysis if needed i:f1n6< 
NC handling f{}{v$3 
CR handling )!+eL*RK 
QAP input and report / Rh0"Rl 
QMR information collection Q(Xd3F5 
Update archiving list & use of OmniRIM in their dept. Efp?<932 
Report to QA group if there are any incidents or deviation kc{%'^ 
Attend QA team meeting & relevant training j'RoZxZi $ 
Coordinate on other QA issues in own dept. &dV*nBLw 
z 1 ^ , 
Qualifications: SS@X5v +M 
(minimum requirements) bAls/(P9 
Good communication and collaboration skill 5/Bp%d(A 
Skilled in Excel and PowerPoint $ v:k" 
Fluency in both written & spoken English. BcbJ&@" 
Ability in data analysis DqP2C@X 
Education: 4p||TOA 
Bachelor degree [ (k .G[ 
Professional experience: =dok2q1 
Minimum of 2 years experience in administration ^/".15Urh 
Job Category Administrative Xf#Sm3 A{ 
State/Provinces China - Beijing sCHcU 
Position Location China - Beijing 6B j2%cG 
Full Time or Part Time Full Time 7 /1=L 
Percent Travel 10 - 20% -dv-d#"B 
Minimum Degree Level Required University Y8nis.vJ8I 
Minimum Years of Experience 2-3 years G($BiE= 




