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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

Lenovo China- Senior Financial Analyst

2012-11-30 14:57

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:联想 财务 其他

Position: Lenovo China Senior Financial Analyst

  Responsible for leading and supervising regular China financial planning with clear focus on annual budgeting cycle and quarterly updates.jz+f|X9 
 Leading cross-function teams to drive and improve the process (with input from and coordination with other functions/locations) to consolidate and evaluate the annual planning deliverables.wc_8xl *QV 
 Develop and reviews to help identify areas for improvement in planning process and improve overall quality and visibility of financial reporting systems.h:L&0<BrA 
 Take up ad-hoc projects as requested by senior management

Positon requirements:

 Must be a business smart, self-starting and strong communicator with business partners.aF#!>&6p 
 Solid experience in supporting business planning for new products (business plans, SWOT analysis, financial models, etc.)..h}-#ZF62} 
 At least 3-5 years’ experience in FP&A role in MNC and/or local sizable companies.]T85,l"=3  
 Strong academic background with a degree in Finance or Accounting, good analysis skills and a relevant professional qualification (CPA, ACCA, MBA or equivalent) preferred.#pgl~^mt 
 Good capability in teamwork and strong desire to achieve and take on challenges.i:N-u#h$ 
 Excellent presentation and communication skills.(HWa6T[S 
Location: Beijingd K%/ H 

Contact email: yangxing1@lenovo.com



