来源: 原创
1984 年2月生 |北京| 5年工作经验 |15801510927(手机)E-mail: silunh@gmail.com
2007/10 -- 至今: 家庭健康国际北京代表处 | 行政部 | 行政助理
1. 负责机构日常办公用品采购
2. 负责项目人员差旅安排(国际国内),包括机票、酒店预订。出差津贴的计算、统计与发放。
3. 负责安排会议、培训的相关事宜,例如会议场所、培训资料的整理与印制等。
4. 负责机构每月月底账单的计算与报销
5. 负责协助IT人员维护机构网络系统
6. 负责为项目人员申请签证、办理邀请函
7. 负责机构图书馆的整理与管理
8. 负责筹备员工拓展等。
2005/03 -- 2007/07: 北京希杰世纪娱乐传媒咨询有限公司 | 经营支援部 | 行政助理
2005/07 -- 2008/07:中央党校 | 人力资源管理 | 本科2002/09 -- 2005/07:北京青年政治学院 | 涉外秘书 | 大专
证 书
1999/09: 长笛六级证书
2005/07: 秘书初级证书
2005/07: 人人说口语高级证书
2005/09: 驾驶执照
英语:读写能力良好 | 听说能力良好
Hai Lunsi
Female | Born in Feb, 1984 | Location Beijing | 7 Years' Experience15801510927(Mobile)
E-mail: silunh@gmail.com
Good interpersonal and team work player, knowledgeable in Microsoft Excel, Word, Power Point and Adobe Photo Shop. Can speaking and writing in both of English and Mandarin proficiency. High energy, enthusiasm and honesty.
Work Experience
2007/10 – Now Family Health International Beijing Office | Administrative Assistant
Job Description:
1. Effective administrative support has been provided to program team and to FHI China. Manage admin routine work to ensure the office daily operation smoothly.
- Assist program officer to prepare meeting and training. Such as draft meeting agenda, contact with participants to do the logistic arrangements, meeting/training materials preparation, meeting/training venue selection, and coordinate with the venue to arrange the logistic as well.
In June 2012, assist FHI HQ office to hold ICSSC GCP workshop, which fund by NIH.
- Prepare Procurement Request Form and Purchase Order Form to get reimbursement from office when purchase occurred
- Update FHI publications, meeting materials and CDs in FHI China Library and send the updated list to staff on time. Be responsible for annual inventory verification and inventory list update.
- Arrange car for staff or visitors for meeting or visiting.
2. Handle all travel arrangement for FHI China Staff, consultants and participants. Assist Administrative Officer or FHI other country offices on workshop, study tour and meeting preparation.
- Issue Travel Authorization for travelers
- Contact with travelers to confirm the travel dates and flight information. After double check, issue the air tickets for travelers. Then send the E-Tickets and logistic letter to traveler to ensure the travel will be made as scheduled.
- Purchase travel insurance for traveler for international trip.
- Coordinate with FHI Kunming Office, FHI Thailand, FHI U.S NC and DC Office and other meeting organizations to reserve hotel for travelers. Arrange airport pick up service or rent a car for traveler
- Make Travel Expense Report for each traveler and calculated the corresponding per diem for them.
- Apply visa for travelers when international travel happens. Preparing all supporting documents for traveler to make sure the visa can be obtained on time.