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Intel-senior java(大数据方向)13-15K

2013-02-22 11:54

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 技术研发

Ql`B Br31: 
Location: Beijing

Responsibilities: TNMfN/S 
- Design and implement Big Data solution for Healthcare.$s#VA*%1 
- Design, implement and optimize XML and Non-structure file process framework with Hadoop (Hbase/Hive).DgY/P" 
- Code Map Reduce program and analyze Hadoop performance model.k`g]y\ a 
- Tune and optimize the performance of Hadoop workloads with Intel tools.|5psY2 V 
- Design and implement data migration from RDBMS, optimize data structure.A }L#e}9 
- Provide related technical support to business partners and customers.&c:s$Q" 
- Draft case study for Big Data in Healthcare.

- MS/BS with experience of software programming and testingJDo40@>y5 
- Solid skills in Java with real project experiences required4RUDzPbQ1y 
- Experience with Linux required>M8G,i q/ 
- Knowledge of Parallel Computing and Distributed System ;ah9}mp& 
- Experience with XML, XSLT and Schematron is a plusgKDms}Mez 
- Experience with RDBMS, i.e. Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 is a plusT2cVVN?Ow  
- Excellent communication skills essential~ $*Wa 
- Fluent oral and written English communication





