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[猎]北京世界500强外企windows service/linux运维 英语口语流利!

2013-06-18 13:56

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 技术研发

Staff Windows Service Engineer 18-25W
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Ⅲ. Roles & Responsibilities 
o    Work with HP to provide server/storage support for Infrastructure Ops in APAC. 
o    Day to day extended services including server admin, patching and other regular server maintenance work. 
o    Assist in setting up and maintaining the Citrix environment in Sony Mobile. 
o    Create and maintain the processes and documentation in the responsible areas. 
o    Provide technical consultancy and assistance to local and global IT projects.  
Ⅳ. Qualification 
o    At least 3 years proven working experience in IT service and support 
o    Proven hands-on server/Windows technical skills 
o    Strong communication skills in both written and spoken English (must) 
o    Windows admin experience and skills. 
o    Visual server/Citrix experience and skills 
o    MCSE certificate. 
o    MNC experience  
o    Minimum BS degree in Computer Science or relevant
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Duties and responsibilities include:
Linux systems and services administration with an emphasis on supporting production Web and database servers
Scripting, task automation, and systems management infrastructure development and deployment
Assist development teams in deploying and debugging server-side software
Low-level systems and network debugging
Document technical procedures and policies
Part of the 24x7 "on call" team
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5+ years of Linux administration experience in a high-volume, critical production environment with an emphasis on supporting production Web and database servers
Experience with programming and/or scripting, task automation, and security "best practices" for server installation and administration
Strong experience administrating Apache (HTTP), PHP and MySQL in a production environment mandatory (LAMP)
Knowledge of Perl, PHP, Python, bash, etc., with experience building database driven applications
Experience in low-level systems and network debugging (strace, sar, netstat, tcpdump)
Experience with Puppet and Subversion is a plus
Good interpersonal and communication skills, team player
Ability communicate in English and French essential
Strong organizational and project management skills as well as good analysis methodology
Ability to work under stress and in a 24x7x365 production environment is essential
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