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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2013-06-25 10:51

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 HR求职

女 | 未婚 | 1984 年1月生 | 户口:北京 | 意向工作地点:西安
8年工作经验 | 群众
E-mail: autumnbird0106@gmail.com
期望工作:  全职
期望职业:  人力资源、咨询/顾问、教育/培训
期望行业:  互联网/电子商务、IT服务(系统/数据/维护)/多领域经营、计算机硬件及网络设备、通信/电信运营、增值服务、金融/银行/投资/基金/证券/期货、房地产/建筑/建材/工程、贸易/进出口、教育/培训/院校、能源/矿产/采掘/冶炼、计算机软件、电子技术/半导体/集成电路、通信/电信/网络设备、专业服务(咨询/财会/法律等)、航空/航天研究与制造、医药/生物工程、石油/石化/化工、电气/电力/水利
工作地区:  西安
期望月薪:  面议
目前状况:  我目前在职,正考虑换个新环境(如有合适的工作机会,到岗时间一个月以内)
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2004/02 -- 至今
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******有限公司(中国电子科技集团下属企业) | 人力资源部 | 招聘经理/主管 
行业类别:通信/电信/网络设备 | 企业性质:国企 | 规模:500-999人
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2008/02 --2010/08
北京交通大学(高教自考) | 人力资源管理 | 本科
2002/09 --2005/07
首都经济贸易大学 | 贸易经济 | 大专
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2000/08全国公共英语等级考试 PETS  
英语:读写能力熟练 | 听说能力良好
2010年度 ******有限公司 优秀员工
2012年度 ******有限公司 十佳员工
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Miss Li
female | Single | Born in1984 /1 | Account: BEIJING | Workplace: XI’AN
8 Years' Experience | Citizenship
E-mail: autumnbird0106@gmail.com
·Desired Type of Employment:  Full-time
·Desired Position:  Human Resource
·Desired Industry:
 Electronic/Semiconductor/IC、Telecom & Network Equipment、Computer Software、Internet/E-Commerce、IT Service/General IT、Computer Hardware, Network Equipment、Telecom Operators/Service Providers
·Desired Location:XI’AN
·Expected Salary(before tax): Confidential
·Current Situation:In 1 months
· 8 years of HR management experience in large and medium sized enterprises, responsible for implementation of large HR modules and well mastered recruitment, training, staff relationship management and enterprise culture establishment.
· Independent working ability and team cooperation spirit with excellent communication, organizing and coordinating ability, clear thought with responsibility consciousness and great enthusiasm in HR work.
· Open with many good features such as good image, honesty, stability and strong affinity
· For opportunities to work in Xian just because of my present living in Xian
During the eight years of work in the company, successfully responsible for recruitment, training, performance assessment, staff relationship / labor relationship and enterprise culture establishment work, took many modules of management work at the same time as some staff members were lacked in the department.
2004/02 -- Now
************ Co., Ltd. | HR Department | Recruiting Manager/Supervisor
Telecom Operators/Service Providers | State Owned | Company Size:500-999
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Job Description:
 During the eight years of work in the company, successfully responsible for recruitment, training, performance assessment, staff relationship / labor relationship and enterprise culture establishment work, took many modules of management work at the same time as some staff members were lacked in the department.
1. Attended establishment of HR management system and compiled a HR development plan
(1) Established HR management systems including recruitment management, personnel management, cadre management, labor contract management, training management, performance assessment and duty recording management.
(2) Trimmed and established HR management procedures, established management implementation procedure and organized implementation of daily management.
(3) Attended establishment of HR development plans, annual plans and responsible for implementation of specific modules in accordance with the development strategies of the company.
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2. Recruitment Management
(1) Established recruitment management methods and detailed rules on the subsidiaries’ implementation of recruitment.
(2) Attended construction of company’s title system and responsible for JD compilation and JD-compilation training guidance
(3) Organized implementation of recruitment demand investigation and compiled recruitment plans for implementation (including recruitment channel development and management, resume selection, talent testing and evaluation, ordinary position interviews salary negotiation and talent database maintenance)
(4) Organization, planning and implementation of annual on-campus recruitment including demand settlement, recruitment plans and channel establishment, brand image promotion, interview / contract signing and interviews, maintaining school relationship and employers’ brands.
(5) Organized recruitment work analysis including analysis on recruitment data, personnel source and flow status。
3. Training Management
(1) Organized establishment of training and management systems and compiled educational training management systems.  
(2) Organized establishment of internal lecturing teams and teaching text development mechanisms and compiled relevant management methods.
(3) Organized training demand investigation and established annual training plans and organized related implementation.
(4) Attended examination of training resources and budget and controlled expenses of training expenses.
(5) Attended design and establishment of training assessment systems, established training assessment plans and organized training effect assessment.
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4. Performance Examination Management
(1) Attended establishment of performance examination systems and compiled examination plans and organized implementation.
(1) Attended competitive recruitment and cadre examination work of the headquarters and subsidiaries.
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5. Personnel and Cadre Management
(1) Establishment rules on management of all levels of personnel members including members officially on regular payroll and locally on regular payroll, dispatched, retired person employment and trainees.
(2) Responsible for internal cadre management.
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6. Establishment of Enterprise Culture
(1) Attended establishment of core value for the enterprise and implementation of enterprise culture strategies.
(2) Independently compiled an internal magazine for the company, namely, Personnel Quality Manual and worked as the sole writer of editor’s notes for each periodical.
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7 Quality Control and Other
(1) Attended internal and external examination in the aspect of quality management system as internal quality examination staff of the company.  
(2) Coordinated with relevant departments to draft and determine application materials on qualifications and extended verification.
February 2008 – August 2010
Beijing Jiaotong University (self-taught higher learning education)| HR management| Undergraduate education
September 2002 – July 2005
Capital University of Economics and Business| Trade economy (electronic commerce) | Junior college education
July 2009
Driving License
July 2002
Beijing City English Oral Speaking Level Testing - Senior
August 2000
Mandarin: mother tongue
English: Good ability in reading and writing | good ability in listening and speaking
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2010, excellent staff member,********** Co., Ltd.
2012, excellent staff member, ********** Co., Ltd.
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· As a HR worker, be a quality person before success. Position-changing thinking is the basic quality for HR management staff members. Meanwhile, keeping of good human relationship is the lubricant to make good team work.
· With daily updated laws and regulations on HR resources and relevant management tools, it is the core occupational competitive force to have strong self study ability.
· HR is not limited in systems or tools. More important is concept. The purpose of management is existing and development of people instead of controlling. No best systems for an enterprise but most appropriate systems. No best experience but experience valuable as an example.
· Instead of independent status, each module of HR is complementary. They influence each other. Balance and complementation make perfect results. 



