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IBM-北京招聘-HR Case Manager (Employee Relationship)

2013-06-25 16:53

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 北京HR职位

HR Case Manager 
Job description
Within the IBM Employee Relations organization, there is a specialist team of Human Resources Case Managers. The Case Management and Appeals (CM&A) team in IBM has responsibility to:- Establish and provide globally consistent case management practices for complex employee relations cases, concerns, appeals and grievances, and misconduct violations. - Understand and mitigate employee relations trends and/or pervasive concerns. Undertake end to end management of complex employee relations cases, including Open Door Appeals (IBMs Grievance Process) complex performance management issues, complex behavior management issues and disciplinary actions. As a case manager need to take a leadership role in engaging relevant IBM parties, including Security, Legal, Medical and other stakeholders to work on the effective resolution of employee situations. Develop strong relationships within the GDC/GCG HR team.Work closely with the Employee and Labor Relations team Provide advice and counsel to HR Partners and line managers regarding the application of policy and procedure from an historical, cross-business, and country perspective. Apply local legislation and regulations to case management and resolution.Execute appropriate investigation techniques, and use good judgement and balanced consideration of all available facts and information to determine outcome. Work in collaboration with global case managers on special projects or other common team objectives. 
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Required Skills:
At least 5 years HR experience in a HR Business Partner or Employee Relations or Legal experience Bachelors degree in Human Resources, Employee Relations or Employment law Strong individual contributor English: Fluent
Bachelor's Degree
English: Fluent
Chinese simplified: Fluent
联系邮箱:pzhpzh@cn.ibm.com (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)
工作地点:北京市朝阳区盘古大观 薪水:面议
在过去的 100年,世界经济不断发展,现代科学日新月异,IBM 始终以超前的技术,出色的管理和独树一帜的产品领导着信息产业的发展,保证了世界范围内几乎所有行业用户对信息处理的全方位需求。众所周知,早在 1969年,阿波罗宇宙飞船载着三名宇航员,肩负着人类的使命,首次登上了月球;1981年哥伦比亚号航天飞机又成功地飞上了天空。这两次历史性的太空飞 行都凝聚着 IBM 无与伦比的智慧。
IBM 在新中国的发展之旅起始于 1979年。作为全球信息产业的领袖企业,IBM 在中国改革开放的每一个阶段都以前瞻的思想、创新的技术、深刻的商业理解和诚信的服务积极地支持了中国各行各业的飞速成长。



