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上海世界500强外企招聘安卓软件架构师 年薪50-60W

2013-08-02 16:08

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 技术研发

上海职位:年薪50-60W 英文口语流利
Android Software development Architecture
Analyzes, designs, programs, debugs, and modifies software enhancements and/or new products used in local, networked, or Internet-related computer programs, primarily for end users.  Using current programming language and technologies, writes code, completes programming, and performs testing and debugging of applications. Completes documentation and procedures for installation and maintenance. May interact with users to define system requirements and/or necessary modifications.
•Develops organization-wide architectures and methodologies for software applications design and development across multiple platforms and organizations within the Global Business Unit.
•Identifies and evaluates new technologies, innovations, and outsourced development partner relationships for alignment with technology roadmap and business value; creates plans for integration and update into architecture.
•Reviews and evaluates designs and project activities for compliance with development guidelines and standards; provides tangible feedback to improve product quality and mitigate failure risk.
•Leverages recognized domain expertise, business acumen, and experience to influence decisions of executive business leadership, outsourced development partners, and industry standards groups.
•Provides guidance and mentoring to less-experienced staff members to set an example of software applications design and development innovation and excellence.
Education and Experience
•Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or equivalent
•Minimum 10+ years experience
Knowledge and Skills
•Experience designing and developing software applications design tools and languages
•Excellent analytical and problem solving skills.
•Experience in overall architecture of software applications for products and solutions.
•Designing and integrating software applications running on multiple platform types into overall architecture
•Evaluating and selecting forms and processes for software applications testing and methodology, including writing and execution of test plans, debugging, and testing scripts and tools
•History of innovation with multiple patents or deployed solutions in the field of software design
•Excellent written and verbal communication skills; mastery in English and local language.
•Ability to effectively communicate product architectures, design proposals and negotiate options at business unit and executive levels.
简历发到:knightwang@hrrainbow.com (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)合适马上联系您~~~       



