
  • 性别 保密
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  • 等级 普通会员
  • 发表主题 7
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[已关闭,谢谢各位]安捷伦招聘-HR Payroll Support

2013-08-23 23:01

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 北京HR职位

简历发送至:resume@agilent.com 邮件抬头请备注申请的职位名称+来自HR圈内
职位名称: Payroll Support
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Job Description :
1. Manage and provide consultancy to payroll vendor on payroll system setup as well as any payroll issue/problems. 
2.Monitor and manage the payroll vendor to ensure monthly payroll payout with accuracy and on schedule. 
3.In charge of the benefits program administration and implementation including the social insurance and company programs across the country. 
4.Social benefits vendors’ management.
5.Perform monthly individual income tax submission per local compliance requirements. 
6.Provide data or local policy explanation to accounting to support right booking and reconciliations. 
7.Provide the HR related data reports to cater the needs of auditing from internally and externally
8.Play as the key contact point with HR related government officials, such as labor bureau, social insurance center housing fund center, tax offices etc.
Qualifications :
1.Bachelor degree
2.Requires HR experience or Finance background with good communication skills.
2.Application skills in Microsoft Excel.
3.Good written and spoken English.

2013-10-22 14:49




