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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2013-10-15 15:37

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:业务拓展专员 英语流利 销售/市场

Job Purpose
The Image and Design Coordinator is the bridge between the Marketing and retail departments. This position works closely with the retail department to coordinate the design, redesign and construction of new and existing retail stores, as well as controlling, maintaining and improving the overall quality of the companies brand identity and image, as to further develop and improve the company’s brand equity.
Job Responsibilities
• Store Design – Liaise with contractor/s for new retail store designs or redesign of existing stores, ensuring overall quality and unified brand identity and image, as well ensuring each store is kept within budget. 
• Store construction - Liaise with contractor/s to ensure overall quality of new store construction materials e.g. but not limited to stands, light boxes, logos, are in accordance with company standards. 
- Ensure that the new store opening SOP check list has been gone through and signed off by the CEO before last payment is processed to the contractor/s.
• Store Time Management – Liaise with the contractor/s and malls to organise and schedule when constructions starts and finishes, ensuring design and construction of the store is complete and in accordance with company standards, while keeping the set deadline for store opening. 
• Mall Brand Exposure Channels - Proactively find channels through the malls to brand IQAir, as well as organising and scheduling store exhibitions. 
Consumer Reporting – Complete Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly call reports by observing competitors display, design, slogan and product pricing along with current air purifier marketing trends and purchasing habits.
}ho V/LN 
公司邮箱:shirley@iqair-china.com (注明来自HR圈内招聘网) 



