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求职Executive Assistant/Office Manager 15K 6年以上外企助理经验 国贸/大望路

2014-05-18 18:03

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:求职 招聘 行政 助理 北京 HR求职

Kay Li 李琪​      
Email maggie_1115@sina.com       ​  
Mobile: 1391 123 4874    
•Fluent speaker of Chinese and English; skillful user of Word, Excel and PowerPoint
•Skill in organizing resources and establishing priorities
•Ability to make administrative/procedural decisions and judgments
•Professional and proactive customer service attitude
•Mature, pleasant, proactive, energetic, willing to handle multi-tasks & prioritize work under tight schedule
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Office Manager/Executive Assistant​   10. 2012 -Present
Karla Otto​       Beijing
•Supported the Managing Director, Business Vice President as well as the BD Director for their:
oDaily affairs
oInternal and external business meetings and agenda planning (special events, client meetings, press meeting)
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•Responsible for handling company office issues, include:
oCompany license registration
oDrafting and implementing office policies by establishing standards and procedures
oMeasuring results against standards; making necessary adjustments
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•Beijing as the Office Manager, oversees office services maintaining on a daily basis, include:
oOrganizing office operations and procedures
oPreparing payroll / Controlling correspondence
oArrange for travel ticketing, hotel accommodations and VISA application orother travel arrangements.
oMonitor and conduct periodical review of the services provided by outside vendors.
oMaintains office efficiency by planning and implementing office systems, layouts, and equipment procurement.
oKeeps management informed by reviewing and analysing special reports; summarizing information; identifying trends.
oMaintains office staff by recruiting, selecting, orienting, and training employees.
oSupporting the implementation of office special projects, e.g. office renovation, office relocation and office security.
•Responsible for supporting PR workflow on a daily basis, include
oDrafting files to government and external contacts in a timely way to ensure the smooth communication
oSupporting events logistic set up together with the administration team as well as events files backup afterwards
oWriting event memos and consolidate press summary, drafting/updating company introductions, and any other supports needed
•Achieves financial objectives by preparing an annual budget; scheduling expenditures; analysing variances; initiating corrective actions.
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Executive Assistant to VP ​  ​   01.2011 - 06. 2012
NBA China​   Beijing
•Arranging meetings and conference calls, manage the agenda. Taking minutes of department meetings, drafting correspondence on behalf of management, preparing presentations, organizing & maintaining paper and electronic files.
•Dealing with telephone and email communication, managing schedules and taking appointments.
•Typing, formatting and creating documents including meeting notes and follow up proposals.
•Monitoring email, voice mail and other correspondence. Ensure flawless communication within the team as well as to the organization.
•Organizing incoming information and keeping abreast of all priorities and events.
•Organize travels (including visas & expense reports) and costs optimization. Reconcile and submit monthly expenses.
•Monitoring and scheduling approvals and project deadlines.
•Create and maintain filing systems. Create regional database and update it regularly.
•Liaising with internal and external contacts, especially for contact with certain authorities.
•Communicating with key clients including follow up before and after meetings with agendas or next steps.

Legal Secretary   01.2007 - 12.2010

JonesDay Beijing Office   Beijing

Basic secretarial supports, including receive, screen, transmit and set up telephone calls, conference calls and messages to/from attorneys, client and staff.
Mail, fax, or arrange for delivery of legal correspondence to clients, witnesses, and court officials.
Schedule and make appointments.
Organize and maintain law libraries, documents, and case files.
Perform secretarial functions associated with Firm administrative tasks. Coordinate work as needed with Office service departments.
Create and format complex PowerPoint presentations, Excel spread sheets and Word documents.



