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[hulu]Senior HR Manager - Beijing

2014-09-23 14:14

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:hulu HR manager HRM级

Senior Manager, Talent & Organization (TAO)
The Senior Manager, TAO plays a key role in leading all of the talent & organization activities and programs for the hulu team in Beijing. In this role, you will lead the Beijing TAO team on the implementation of strategic talent processes and programs, including: talent planning & acquisition, performance management and compensation reviews, talent development, internal communications, HR operations, employee relations, and office management (including finance and legal).
Your team’s success relies on your ability to work closely with the headquarter TAO team (based out of the US) to drive alignment in TAO programs and processes globally and to identify where tweaks in global programs need to be made to fit the Beijing team.
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This role provides big opportunity to make a difference for the software developers, researchers, UX designers, technical program managers, and many others that you support in the Beijing development office. They will look to you to provide credible and sound advice and to be a key force in creating a positive and productive work environment and culture.
Work closely with the headquarter TAO team to plan the Beijing TAO team’s resources and goals, create new or improve existing talent programs, and lead the rollout in Beijing of any hulu-wide talent programs/processes for the Beijing team
Understand the unique talent challenges of the Beijing team and work with managers and team members to address these challenges. This will include talent acquisition, organization design, succession planning, career pathing/ job definition, retention strategies, and anything else that has to do with ensuring we hire the best and the brightest and retain and engage them
Coach the Beijing team around employee relations issues, including (but not limited to): performance coaching, performance improvement plans, team member complaints, terminations/severance, and off-boarding 
Assess your TAO team, ensuring you have the right people, in the right roles and that our highest performers are continually challenged and our struggling performers receive the coaching they need to improve
Provide daily mentorship and coaching to your TAO team - your success relies upon their success
Partner effectively with headquarter TAO team, Finance team and Legal teams
Work with outside finance and legal consultants to ensure compliance; liase with appropriate legal counsel to address employment matters
Be a culturally attuned, highly credible voice for the Beijing TAO team to executives and managers throughout the company
10 or more years of professional human resources experience with demonstrated success in the key responsibilities for this role
4 or more years of people management experience
Experience working as a recruiter, leading a recruiting team, and/or demonstrated ability to develop innovative recruiting strategies
Strong verbal and written English skills
Ability to work in a matrix reporting environment
Experience working in R&D centres of IT companies
Knowledge/ expertise of Beijing HR requirements —benefits, immigration and payroll
Highly organized and efficient
Ability to influence decision without needing to rely on policy/process
Ability to thrive in an ambiguous environment and to create clarity, where it is needed and beneficial
Ability and desire to travel to the US approximately two to three times/year
for more information, pls visit our website:
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bjindustry@hulu.com (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)



