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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2015-02-26 11:26

来源: a.liepin.com

本文同时发布到:HRBP 快消行业 OTC 上海职位

 Manage the staffing activities (recruitments and internal appointments) according to the qualitative and quantitative requirements of the organization;
Contribute to the definition of, implement and monitors the compensation plans;
Contribute to the definition of, implement and drive the performance management and professional development process (performance, competencies, talents);
Drive, develop and control the professional and competencies development process by identifying with the manager the short and long term competency requirements;
Contribute to the development of a good work environment with managers, employees and staff representatives by identifying, analyzing and addressing risks and establishing, fostering constructive dialogue;
Ensure the uniform and equitable application of organizational policies and procedures: Internal Promotion Process, Probation Review, Merit Review Process, and etc.;
Assist in counseling career development;
Handle Labor/legal issues, employee disputes, PIP and separation cases.
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Location: Shanghai 
Pls contact me :sarahsheng@visionhr.net (注明来自HR圈内招聘网)



