
  • 性别 保密
  • 来自
  • 生日 0000-00-00
  • 等级 普通会员
  • 发表主题 6
  • 发表评论 0
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  • 圈内币 12 点
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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2015-04-23 13:22

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:外企互联网 15天带薪年假 开放的办公环境 其他

Job description
The role is mainly responsible for managing, developing and organizing effective training programs in the areas of business knowledge, product logic, release process, project management process, working convention and other necessary knowledge.
The resource will design, develop and deliver the training program to elevate and accelerate employee’s capabilities listed above.
Responsibility also includes designing and conducting soft-skill training, such as presentation skills, time mgmt skill, coaching, customer service, and stress management skills, listening with empathy skill training, especially for new graduates. The resource will have additional responsibilities such as training needs collection from engineering teams, training plan making and other training related operational work.
Design and develop engineering training measurements; training needs assessments; training program curriculum; and task analysis and feedback to ENG OPS and team leads. 
Collect and analyze training needs from eng teams and identify learning solution internally or externally 
Formulate teaching outlines and determine instructional methods such as classroom training, group instruction, live virtual classroom, or workshops 
Develop and conduct training programs and maintain training evaluation measures and metrics for employee development 
Release training courses periodically to promote offering classes to employees 
Maintain records on training program attendance 
Analyze, define, and prepare training materials (document, recorded videos, quiz, feedback surveys) to promote training classes; prepare training materials for use in facilitating comprehension and training retention
Define refresh training for existing engineers besides new hires.
Desired Skills and Experience
At least 3 years working experience with 2+ year training experience required. 
Strong communication, research, and facilitation skills as well as understanding of adult learning methodology are required. 
A good team player. 
Effective and Efficient Individual Contributor. 
Working experiences in engineering team is a plus. 
Education experience preferred in English, Computer Science, or related field 
English Major is a plus.
o#e6- zi 
Ÿ   提供一线互联网公司级别的薪资待遇;
Ÿ   全额五险一金,并提供完善的补充医疗保险以及员工配偶、子女的医疗保险;
Ÿ   全年不低于15天的带薪年休假,并且年假天数会随着工作的年限而增长;
Ÿ   丰盛的免费午餐及无限量零食,星巴克现磨咖啡、各种饮料无限畅饮;
Ÿ   弹性工作制,确保员工的工作与生活平衡;
Ÿ   年度旅游、年度体检计划以及丰富多彩的团队活动和兴趣俱乐部,包括:游泳、足球、羽毛球、自行车、台球、瑜伽等;
Ÿ   专项学习培训基金。



