
  • 性别 保密
  • 来自
  • 生日 0000-00-00
  • 等级 普通会员
  • 发表主题 18
  • 发表评论 0
  • 顶过主题 0
  • 踩过主题 0
  • 圈内币 36 点
  • 上传附件 5 个
HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群

Marketing Intern / 市场部在校实习生 (外籍老板)

2016-04-28 15:38

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 销售/市场

* This position will directly report to a foreigner, strong English language ability is required. 
Company Info 
CHEERS makes you smile! CHEERS is the new wine generation which makes wine drinking fun and affordable. We sell imported quality wines to honest prices in our own CHEERS Stores in Beijing as well as in our CHEERS partner stores all across China. We develop Entrepreneurs and let Franchise partners being a part of our success. We love to surprise our customers with new products, an outstanding customer service and with a fun but high professional wine knowledge transfer. CHEERS entertains with a wide selection of videos, store themes and fun marketing campaigns.
Key Responsibilities and accountabilities
- Involve in the making of the WeChat posts (weekly)
- Manage the WeChat account and improve constantly
- Help with translation for Weibo, website, and social media posts (daily)
- Write online reports/texts after interviewing CHEERS experts
- Write fun product descriptions in cooperation with CHEERS experts
- Completion of various formats to post in various Chinese events App’s
- Start using foreign Social Media such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
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Requirements and Qualifications
- Creative and fun, out of the box thinker
- High proficiency in English and Chinese (written and spoken)
- Very good communication skills
- Smart person and fast learner
- Knows what is popular in the Chinese market
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What you can get from this Internship
- Competitive salary with meal included
- A chance for professional marketing knowledge buildup 
- A challenging assignment in an international environment
- An opportunity to brush up your international social skills
- Working with a young, dynamic, multinational and multicultural team
Contact person at CHEERS Wines
Name: David Hu    
Telephone: 136 8122 9152
Email: davidhu@cheers-wines.com(注明来自HR圈内招聘网)
WeChat:  david430102
More Company Info:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDc3MDI0MjMy.html



