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HR Intern/人力资源部在校实习生

2016-04-28 15:39

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 HR实习生

Company Info / 公司简介
 gCvf D F 
CHEERS makes you smile! CHEERS is the new wine generation which makes wine drinking fun and affordable. We sell imported quality wines to honest prices in our own CHEERS Stores in Beijing as well as in our CHEERS partner stores all across China. We develop Entrepreneurs and let Franchise partners being a part of our success. We love to surprise our customers with new products, an outstanding customer service and with a fun but high professional wine knowledge transfer. CHEERS entertains with a wide selection of videos, store themes and fun marketing campaigns.
CHEERS 让您微笑! 作为葡萄酒新生代,CHEERS使喝酒变得有趣并且成为大众消费品。在北京各CHEERS店和全国所有CHEERS加盟店里,我们以极其诚意的价格提供纯进口葡萄酒。我们致力于培养发展成功企业家,我们的成功和成就同时也与加盟商共享。我们喜欢带给客户新的惊喜,传达无与伦比的客户服务体验和愉悦的文化理念以及专业的葡萄酒知识。CHEERS提供各种极具创意的视频精选,店内主题活动和有趣的市场推广战略。
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Key Responsibilities and accountabilities / 主要责任和义务
- ŸAssist HR Specialist to coordinate interview arrangement, including but not limit to contact candidate, logistic support, informing new hire onboarding info, etc.
- Ÿ协助人力资源专员安排面试,包括联系候选人,面试当天相关接待工作,确认并通知成功入选的候选人入职时间和地点
- Assist HR Specialist print out all onboarding documents, sort out new hire P File
- 协助人力资源员工打印入职相关文件材料,整理现员工入职文件包
Current Employee P File Management
- Assist HR Specialist clean and manage current employee P File
- 协助人力资源专员整理目前员工的个人档案
- Follow up with employee whose documents are missing. Ensure employee P File is completed
- 对于有材料缺失的员工进行跟进,确保员工档案完整、全面
Employee Benefit Management
- Assist HR Specialist with all Social Security and Housing Fund benefit management (including but not limit to Housing Fund withdraw, Supplemental Insurance Claim)
- 协助人力资源专员管理员工各项社保公积金相关福利(包括但不仅限于公积金提取,补充医疗报销等)
HR Project
- Assist HR Manager and HR Specialist with specific project based tasks (including but not limit to data collection and categorization), lay a solid foundation for Project Preparation. 
- 帮助人力资源经理和人力资源专员开展人力资源各大项目的数据收集和整理工作,为项目的前期准备做好充分准备
- Assist HR Manager and HR Specialist to draft the Project Proposal and Implementation Plan, involve into the Project implementation to make sure it goes smoothly.
- 协助人力资源经理和人力资源专员完成项目策划书的起草和执行计划的撰写,参与到项目的实施过程中,协助推进项目顺利进行
Other HR Administrative Tasks
- Other Ad Hoc things arranged by HR Manager and HR Specialist
- 完成人力资源经理和专员交代的其他任务
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Qualifications / 能力要求  
- Can do attitude, drive for result and detailed oriented
- 工作勤奋,以结果为导向并且注重细节
- High proficiency in English and Chinese (written and spoken)
- 良好的中英文水平(写作和口语)
- Very good communication skills
- 良好的沟通技能
- Smart person and fast learner
- 学习敏感度高,善于举一反三并主动发现问题解决方案
Value every employee with an open heart and be ready to give support and help at any time        
What you can get from this Internship / 你能从这份实习工作中得到什么
- Competitive Salary with meal included
- 具有市场竞争力的薪酬,包工作伙食
- A chance for professional HR knowledge buildup 
- 为成为一名专业人力资源从业者打下良好基础 
- A challenging assignment in an international environment
- 国际化的工作环境 
- An opportunity to brush up your international social skills
- 一次历练国际社交技能的机遇
- Working with a young, dynamic, multinational and multicultural team
- 与年轻活力、多元文化的团队一起工作
Contact Info / 联系信息
David Hu
Human Resource Manager
Desk: 010 85322791
Mobile: +86 136 8122 9152



