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Regional Training Supervisor/华北区培训主管-团结湖

2016-05-13 10:52

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:培训 外企 培训管理 HR主管级

Analyze training needs of the branches in general and individual departments
Develop Regional training programs and support of Branches
Prepare and conduct NCR training / Coordinate training actions with internal Trainers and Branch Trainer Supervisior
Organize meeting with other Branch Training upervisors to share experiences and resources
Liaise with external training institutions conducting hospitality and training courses
Plan and carry out training activities to improve the professional and personal skills of Aden Services employees in China.
Prepare the assessment methods and measurement systems and follow-up as necessary.
Organize training venues, transport, accommodation as required to achieve efficient training attendance and delivery.
Plan functional training budgets, forecast costs
Select and manage external training and accreditation bodies, agencies and providers necessary to deliver required training to appropriate standards.
Ensure all training activities and materials meet with relevant organizational and statutory policies, including health and safety, employment and equality laws.
Ensured that all equipment and materials of the training department were kept in their best conditions. 
Prepare an annual report of accomplishments in the end of every year, evaluate yearly HR work performance in North Region and Branches
Report on a regular basis to NCR HR Manager and CHO Training Head
Responsible for the monthly consolidation of Training Reports
With Branch managers to ensure effective support to Training operation in Branches
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• Bachelor’s degree or above.
• With 5 yrs or more of HR experience, and 3 years of HR training experience
• Proficiency in MS office;
• Proficiency in spoken and written English.
• Can accept 1-2 times business trip by monthy(short time)
法资公司,平台大,薪酬预计7-10K,可发简历至 jessica.yuan@adenservices.com~(注明来自HR圈内招聘网)欢迎投递



