
  • 性别 保密
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  • 等级 普通会员
  • 发表主题 21
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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2017-08-30 15:46

来源: 原创

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Manage Data

Transfer/input historical Admin + parent, student and faculty information into PowerSchoolTransfer/Input historical ManageBac parent, student and faculty information into PowerSchoolTransfer/Input historical ShareFolder parent, student and faculty information into PowerSchoolSupport the 

Academic Principals and Admissions department in creating and maintaining a Permanent Student Records plan.

Support the IT Department

Support the IT Manager in keeping accurate IT records Complete Payment Requests/Contract Requests with follow up in collaboration with the IT Manager and Finance DepartmentProvide Chinese / English language support / translation as neededPerform other duties which may be assigned by the IT Manager

General Requisite Skills:

Communication – Fluent in both spoken and written Chinese and EnglishICT Skills – Word-processing, spreadsheets, slide presentations, Photoshop, or equivalent applications, and database management. Mac skills an advantage and must be willing to learn and develop a high ICT skill levelInterpersonal Skills – Polite and professional at all times in dealings with Chinese and English speakers within and beyond the school community in both oral and written forms of communication, tone, manner and presentation, being a school representative.


Willingness to Learn and Acceptance of Responsibility – Preparedness to accept training and to seek assistance and  advice when necessary as well as an ability and interest in solving problemsInitiative – realising opportunities to improve the work space and activities and recommending effective changes that benefit efficiency Pride in work – meeting deadlines and completing high quality work in required formats, keeping workspace  clean and clear as well as keeping school information secureRespect for school – understanding and acting in accordance with the BCIS mission and philosophy to best serve students, parents and staff





