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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2017-12-06 15:44

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:招聘经理 上海职位

Engage the business, BHR and C&B to devise talent acquisition strategy and solutions to support business growth;
Responsible for leading a team of recruiters to fill the hiring need as per business plan and hiring project objective;
Manage team member’s performance and resource allocation, and develop recruiter’s capability and skills;
Collaborate with the team to ensure smooth execution of whole hiring process; 
Design and deliver recruitment initiatives and projects, like Employer Branding, Internal Referral, Talent Mapping, Campus Recruitment, Direct Sourcing Capability Building and etc. 
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Bachelor’s degree or above;
At least 8 years of work experience with minimum 5 years focusing on recruitment;
Solid in-house recruitment experience with MNC, and search firm or RPO experience with a reputable agency is a must;
Experience in assessment, career consultancy, recruitment system launch, campus recruitment, mapping project, social media recruitment initiatives, and recruitment budgeting is a strong plus;
Solid core recruiting skills in sourcing, candidate/ business/ vendor relationship management, interview, selection and offering;
Proven ability of project design and implementation, including resources allocation and budget control;
Experienced in managing senior level hire;
Good communication in both Chinese and English, as well as collaborative skills with a wide range of stakeholders;
Experienced in working in a fast pace and dynamic business environment;
Team management experience is a strong plus.
简历请发至 yvonneye@hrnetone.com(注明来自HR圈内招聘网)
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