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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2018-05-22 18:11

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:无 HRD级

Talent training experts 
1. Participate in formulating an annual human resources plan based on the company's strategy and business development needs; 
2. Manage and establish a company's talent management system; establish a talent management system for cadres and core positions, and conduct day-to-day management of selection, appointment, removal, and assessment of cadres and core positions; 
3. Establish a competency model library and various levels of talent assessment systems. Be responsible for the regular inventory and assessment of organizations and talents, establish talent selection programs and talent reserve mechanisms, and improve the construction and standardized operation of the group's talented personnel; 
4. Establish personal development plans for cadres and core employees to promote and improve employee career management; 
5. The construction of talents in strategic positions, the establishment of (overseas) talent pools, and the formulation of training plans; 6. Promote other projects related to talent development. 
 1. Bachelor degree 
2. more than 8 years work experience, at least 3 years experience in the development of large-scale group talents; 
3. grasp all kinds of talent development tools, and have practical operating experience for talent assessment, establishment of competency model, construction of core position echelon, management succession plan, etc.; 
4. Sensitive to changes in organization and people, excellent inter-departmental communication and coordination ability, strategic planning ability, interpersonal understanding ability, continuous learning ability, excellent insight, ability to analyze problems and solve problems;
1B|2\KW9 x 
Mail: shilijuan@jd.com(注明来自HR圈内招聘网)



